Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Final Post Launch

  • How large an online footprint do you have? 

I have a decent size following, I have a fitness account therefore I believe that is where I have a footprint.

  • Which social media sites do you use? What have you put on them? 

I use Instagram, Snapchat, Vsco, TikTok, and Facebook.  I use them to stay connected to past friends that I have moved away from and also to share my life and my successes. I have used my social media as a positive pace to try and motivate people, especially through my fitness account.

  •  What private information have you voluntarily given out, such as your phone number and e-mail address? To what sites and why?

I have given out my phone number and email to my social media platforms and also online stores for coupons and emails. I gave it out because I wasn't thinking about the risk that could have happened while giving out my information.

  • Consider the sorts of questions posed by The Atlantic article: Does social media make people lonely? Depressed?

Social media makes people lonely and or depressed because it is a constant toxic place.  People constantly compare themselves to people they follow or celebrities, It could be body image or anything of that matter. It can also be lonely because someone can see who is hanging out together and they can not be invited.

  • Do you think your relationship with technology is healthy?

Yes and No, sometimes it can be but other times I find myself comparing myself to other people. I think it's all about balance (not being on it all the time) and also how your mental health is because if it's not good then it will just be a toxic place to be on.

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Final Post Launch

How large an online footprint do you have?  I have a decent size following, I have a fitness account therefore I believe that is where I hav...