Tuesday, April 26, 2022

EOTO, Presentations

media-consolidation-1 – Saving Country Music

 While listening to each presentation in class today, Media Consolidation stood out to me the most.  Media Consolidation is the concentration of ownership of our news sources into the hands of fewer and fewer corporations.  With that being said, this leads to less local news gathering, less news staffing, and fewer interactions with local communities.  Media Consolidation is bad due to the fact that it is one news source covering everything.  This will lead to only the left side news or only the right side news, the news will also not be 100 percent accurate.  Having this will make news outlets only pay out what will make them money therefore not everything going on in the world will have to be shown.  There are only six news companies that run all of the news outlets that are provided to us.  Media Consolidation means less local news and more of a right-wing slant.  This will affect people from making their own personal views because their opinion will be made for them. 

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