Monday, April 25, 2022

Diffusion of Innovations

One of the main reasons that the theory of Diffusion of innovations 
caught on and spread was because Everett Rogers who was a professor of communication studies talked highly about the theory in his novel, Diffusion of Innovations. Also, the theory of diffusion of innovations has been used for popular topics like medicine and marketing. Motivation and ability were the two driving forces for early adopters of innovation. Many people will change their abilities so they can be able to adapt to the innovation and these people also use motivation by seeing how much value the innovation holds to them. Rogers's theory on diffusion of innovation was so popular because it is the most cited for research. The difference between early adopters and late adopters is centralized around the idea of social status, wealth, and opinion on innovation. Early adopters have high social status, wealth, and have strong opinions, and are open to the idea of innovation. Late adopters are people with minimal social status, and low financial status, and are in a bind to figure out if they are on board with the idea of innovation. There is also another category which is known as the people who completely disregard the idea of adoption. They do not have a strong opinion, do not like change, and feel comfortable with keeping ties with tradition. In my opinion, in the 21st and for the rest of time technology has taken over society and will continue to keep growing. I like the idea because I feel that technology has helped issues that could not be solved without technology. However, with everything, there are some downsides. For example, I feel that media can sometimes make situations in the world much worse than they could have been without technology. With that being said, I still feel that no matter if you like the idea of having technology everywhere you go, a person must adapt because they will not survive within our tech-driven world. Some people do not agree with the innovations that technology has undergone during the past few decades. What I would say to them is, how could you not want to cure diseases that couldn't be cured without technology or why would you not want to use technology to your advantage and take your company or career to the next level. I do agree, that there are some negatives to innovation in technology however the benefits outweigh the cost. 

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