Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression

 Individual Self-Fulfillment 

    While reading the description and learning about these topics in class, I would have to say freedom of speech resonates most with me.  Growing up, my parent had taught me and my sibling how important using your voice is.  They had always said, "You are given the right to speak, use your right".  What my parents meant by this was, to never be quiet about what you believe in nor be quiet when you are in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself.  Being brought up in a family where using your voice was extremely important, I have been very grateful to know how important it is to use it in the world today.  I have also been taught how what you choose to say can and will have consequences for example, as a child saying a cuss word or talking back to my parents would lead to being punished, sent to my room, or grounded.  This was a learning lesson to me and my siblings showing us that as we grow up and use our freedom of speech you can say whatever you would like to say but something you say will have consequences that can lead to jail, riots, or physical fights.  I believe that in most cases, the environment you grow up in and what you are taught as a child will shape you into the person you are as an adult, and the learning lessons you face as a kid are to help you with the same lessons just bigger situations as an adult.  Just under two years ago a huge outbreak of protest had happened due to the death of George Floyd.  This protest had made the black lives matter movement reach many more people and had become extremely more dominant in today's world.  During the black lives matter protest, people had used the freedom of speech to express the pain they are going through and how America as a whole needs to be more excepting of them and the black lives matter movement.  Due to the First Amendment, people have the right to express their feelings but, this amendment doesn't protect you from having consequences from your actions.  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  Being in this class and learning more about the First Amendment is something that I never looked at as something I will need in my future career.  The First Amendment is something that will not be in just my career but also my life and it is an honor to be able to know the First Amendment and also have the opportunity to be able to have the freedom of speech.  A lot of countries don't have the right to stand up and speak about what they believe in or just have a voice and I feel that a lot of people who have the right take advantage of it and don't fully understand their rights and how important it is to be able to have a voice.

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