Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Civil War, Reconstructions and the Birth of the Second Bill of Rights

 Civil War and Reconstruction Timeline-

  • 1857- Dred Scott

African-Americans are not citizens

  • 1860- Elected


  • 1861- Ft. Sumter

Civil War                  

  •  Law

Suspension of Habeas Corpus 

Silence Critics

  • 1863- Document

Eman Proc

  • 1865- Event

South Loses

  • Law

13th Amendment~ Ban Slavery

  • 1868- Law

14th Amendment~ Citizenship

  • 1870- 15th Amendment


^All the Reconstruction Amendments^

  • 1873- Slaughterhouse Cases

P.I. Closed Down

  • 1875- Civil Rights Act

Banned Discrimination in Public Accomdations~ private property that is open to the public


Owned by Government

Public Accomidations~

Grocery Store

Ammusement Park 


NOT Owned by Government

  • 1883- Civil Rights Cases

Struck Down Civil Rights Act

  • 1886- Santa Clara Rail Road

Corporate Personhood~A corporation is made up of people, therefore, it is treated as a person under the 14th amendment.

Substantive Due Process~ Mechanism by which the Court adds substance to the word liberty in order to give it new meanings.

  • 1896- Plessy V. Ferguson

Separate but Equal

Recon.           Jim Crow

Use the power of law to discriminate- Poll Tax

State Action Docetrine~ Without government involvement, no constitutional claim could be made because only the government can violate your constitutional rights; therefore the first amendment doesn’t reach private actors (not government).

3 clauses or freedoms of the 14th amendment

  1. Privalges or imunites

  2. Due Process

  3. Equal Protection

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