Wednesday, March 23, 2022

EOTO Com Tech Timeline


    The invention of Bluetooth had happened back in 1994 by a Dutch engineer, Jaap Haartsen.  Bluetooth was invented in Ericsson and was named for a renowned Viking and king who united Denmark and Norway in the 10th century.  Jaap Haartsen had created Bluetooth by "connecting electronic gadgets to each other at short range without the use of cables, using a variety of low-power radio frequencies."  Bluetooth Technology.  Today, Bluetooth is used in over two billion devices over the world, this has been a huge advantage for not only companies to promote and sell their devices but also for people to stay connected with each other all over the world.  When Bluetooth was originally created it was to replace RS-232 telecommunication cables. In 1999, the first Bluetooth consumer had launched, it was a hands-free mobile headset.  This headset had won the "Best of Show Technology Award" at COMDEX.  In an interview with Jaap Haartsen he is asked, What improvements in Bluetooth would you like to address? Jaap Haartsen then began to go into how "Power consumption and contact awareness combination is an area that we are focusing on. We think issues like power consumption in relation to what happens in the background are not understood by many." Q&A Jaap Haartsen.  The way Bluetooth works is by picking up frequency data by using a radio and sending them across devices. One example is Iphones and Airpods. They have chipsets inside of them and send each other data by using a signal. Not all Bluetooth devices connect the same way. Bluetooth usually uses algorithms which are known as codecs. These codes are encoded and decoded which are then placed into the packaging to transmit them easier. To figure out what codec your device has, the codec initial will be able to be found on the side of the box. Some examples of these codecs are called: AAC, aptX, LDAC, and SBC. These codecs affect things like transfer rates, audio quality, and power usage. Out of all these codecs, SBC or also known as Subband Coding is forced to be in all Bluetooth devices. The future is bright for Bluetooth. More and more devices are coming out with Bluetooth and there is even a newer version of Bluetooth coming out. The new Bluetooth is called, "Bluetooth Low Energy," or also known as LE. The new Bluetooth helps increase the efficiency of newer headphones and also helps more devices including Bluetooth. By the year 2025, there will be more than six billion Bluetooth devices in the world and also seventy percent of Bluetooth products will be peripheral devices. Peripheral devices are items like smart lights, wearables, and earbuds. Bluetooth has made technology much more advanced and easier for people that aren't technologically acclimated to use devices. Bluetooth also helps people that have disabilities. For example, there are headphones that can be connected to televisions via Bluetooth and the whole idea behind them is for people that are hard of hearing to be able to hear the volume of the television clearer. 

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