Tuesday, April 19, 2022

EOTO Terms and Concepts

 1. Beyond a simple definition, what are the implications? What might be good, what might be bad?

 * A Community that is no longer covered by daily or non-daily newspapers.


* Other news outlets are more time friendly

*Makes the news more simple


* Risk of being unreliable

* Social media can limit people from making their own decisions

2. How might it affect society as a whole?  

* Small communities that rely on local newspapers for a majority of their news will have to find a new way to get their news.

3. How might it affect different segments differently — rich/poor, old/young, male/female, gay/straight, majority/minority?

* This will be something that will be easier and faster for the younger and wealthy.

~ The young and rich will most likely like this.

* The older and poor will have to find another way to get their news.

~ The Old and Poor will most likely not like this.

4. How might it affect you? Your family and friends? Your generation?

* Today social media is the easiest way to get your news

* Without newspapers, it will save trees and also make news a lot more clear than it was in the past.

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