Monday, April 18, 2022

Privacy, Online and Off

1. How do these issues affect you? Your friends and family?

All of my and my friends and family's information is being watched, everything I have looked up, every place I have been to, to the amount of money my parents make and how much my house is.  This issue affects safety in good and bad ways in today's world.

2. What should the government be doing about these issues?

The government should work on ways to stop the number of hackers that are able to listen to phone calls and see text messages.  The government should monitor what is being communicated but, if it isn't for a reason, for example, terrorists and or criminals.  If you are just an everyday person then your privacy should be kept private.

3. What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy? 

~ Use security tools and browsers
~ Don't just accept things that come up on your technology without reading the terms and conditions
~ Do research on what is good reliable technology platforms
~ Have a fake email
~ Don't always use your real information
~ Don't always give out your information

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