Wednesday, March 23, 2022

EOTO Com Tech Timeline


    The invention of Bluetooth had happened back in 1994 by a Dutch engineer, Jaap Haartsen.  Bluetooth was invented in Ericsson and was named for a renowned Viking and king who united Denmark and Norway in the 10th century.  Jaap Haartsen had created Bluetooth by "connecting electronic gadgets to each other at short range without the use of cables, using a variety of low-power radio frequencies."  Bluetooth Technology.  Today, Bluetooth is used in over two billion devices over the world, this has been a huge advantage for not only companies to promote and sell their devices but also for people to stay connected with each other all over the world.  When Bluetooth was originally created it was to replace RS-232 telecommunication cables. In 1999, the first Bluetooth consumer had launched, it was a hands-free mobile headset.  This headset had won the "Best of Show Technology Award" at COMDEX.  In an interview with Jaap Haartsen he is asked, What improvements in Bluetooth would you like to address? Jaap Haartsen then began to go into how "Power consumption and contact awareness combination is an area that we are focusing on. We think issues like power consumption in relation to what happens in the background are not understood by many." Q&A Jaap Haartsen.  The way Bluetooth works is by picking up frequency data by using a radio and sending them across devices. One example is Iphones and Airpods. They have chipsets inside of them and send each other data by using a signal. Not all Bluetooth devices connect the same way. Bluetooth usually uses algorithms which are known as codecs. These codes are encoded and decoded which are then placed into the packaging to transmit them easier. To figure out what codec your device has, the codec initial will be able to be found on the side of the box. Some examples of these codecs are called: AAC, aptX, LDAC, and SBC. These codecs affect things like transfer rates, audio quality, and power usage. Out of all these codecs, SBC or also known as Subband Coding is forced to be in all Bluetooth devices. The future is bright for Bluetooth. More and more devices are coming out with Bluetooth and there is even a newer version of Bluetooth coming out. The new Bluetooth is called, "Bluetooth Low Energy," or also known as LE. The new Bluetooth helps increase the efficiency of newer headphones and also helps more devices including Bluetooth. By the year 2025, there will be more than six billion Bluetooth devices in the world and also seventy percent of Bluetooth products will be peripheral devices. Peripheral devices are items like smart lights, wearables, and earbuds. Bluetooth has made technology much more advanced and easier for people that aren't technologically acclimated to use devices. Bluetooth also helps people that have disabilities. For example, there are headphones that can be connected to televisions via Bluetooth and the whole idea behind them is for people that are hard of hearing to be able to hear the volume of the television clearer. 

Civil War, Reconstructions and the Birth of the Second Bill of Rights

 Civil War and Reconstruction Timeline-

  • 1857- Dred Scott

African-Americans are not citizens

  • 1860- Elected


  • 1861- Ft. Sumter

Civil War                  

  •  Law

Suspension of Habeas Corpus 

Silence Critics

  • 1863- Document

Eman Proc

  • 1865- Event

South Loses

  • Law

13th Amendment~ Ban Slavery

  • 1868- Law

14th Amendment~ Citizenship

  • 1870- 15th Amendment


^All the Reconstruction Amendments^

  • 1873- Slaughterhouse Cases

P.I. Closed Down

  • 1875- Civil Rights Act

Banned Discrimination in Public Accomdations~ private property that is open to the public


Owned by Government

Public Accomidations~

Grocery Store

Ammusement Park 


NOT Owned by Government

  • 1883- Civil Rights Cases

Struck Down Civil Rights Act

  • 1886- Santa Clara Rail Road

Corporate Personhood~A corporation is made up of people, therefore, it is treated as a person under the 14th amendment.

Substantive Due Process~ Mechanism by which the Court adds substance to the word liberty in order to give it new meanings.

  • 1896- Plessy V. Ferguson

Separate but Equal

Recon.           Jim Crow

Use the power of law to discriminate- Poll Tax

State Action Docetrine~ Without government involvement, no constitutional claim could be made because only the government can violate your constitutional rights; therefore the first amendment doesn’t reach private actors (not government).

3 clauses or freedoms of the 14th amendment

  1. Privalges or imunites

  2. Due Process

  3. Equal Protection

Eight Values of Free Expression

 Individual Self-Fulfillment 

    While reading the description and learning about these topics in class, I would have to say freedom of speech resonates most with me.  Growing up, my parent had taught me and my sibling how important using your voice is.  They had always said, "You are given the right to speak, use your right".  What my parents meant by this was, to never be quiet about what you believe in nor be quiet when you are in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself.  Being brought up in a family where using your voice was extremely important, I have been very grateful to know how important it is to use it in the world today.  I have also been taught how what you choose to say can and will have consequences for example, as a child saying a cuss word or talking back to my parents would lead to being punished, sent to my room, or grounded.  This was a learning lesson to me and my siblings showing us that as we grow up and use our freedom of speech you can say whatever you would like to say but something you say will have consequences that can lead to jail, riots, or physical fights.  I believe that in most cases, the environment you grow up in and what you are taught as a child will shape you into the person you are as an adult, and the learning lessons you face as a kid are to help you with the same lessons just bigger situations as an adult.  Just under two years ago a huge outbreak of protest had happened due to the death of George Floyd.  This protest had made the black lives matter movement reach many more people and had become extremely more dominant in today's world.  During the black lives matter protest, people had used the freedom of speech to express the pain they are going through and how America as a whole needs to be more excepting of them and the black lives matter movement.  Due to the First Amendment, people have the right to express their feelings but, this amendment doesn't protect you from having consequences from your actions.  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  Being in this class and learning more about the First Amendment is something that I never looked at as something I will need in my future career.  The First Amendment is something that will not be in just my career but also my life and it is an honor to be able to know the First Amendment and also have the opportunity to be able to have the freedom of speech.  A lot of countries don't have the right to stand up and speak about what they believe in or just have a voice and I feel that a lot of people who have the right take advantage of it and don't fully understand their rights and how important it is to be able to have a voice.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Founding Era

1. What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

The Supreme Court was established in 1789.

2. What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

"Supreme Court has the ultimate jurisdiction over all laws within the United States and is responsible for evaluating the constitutionality of those laws. If necessary, the court, which is currently made up of nine justices, has the power to check the actions of the other two branches of government- the Executive Branch of the President and the Legislative Branch of Congress."

3. What was the most surprising thing you learned?

The Supreme Court first assembled on February 2, 1790, at the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City.

4. How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

Watching the video made me understand how important the role of the Supreme Court is.  Without the Supreme Court, there wouldn't be a branch to protect our civil rights and liberties by being the most powerful and striking down on laws that violate the constitution. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

My 5 Sources of News and Information


Tiktok has been a platform where hacks and tricks are shared and proven to be real.  Tiktok is an amazing way to connect with people and keep their attention because the videos are interesting and fast.  


Instagram is another platform used by creators to promote their upcoming work or what's going on in their lives.  Today big-time celebrities love Instagram to advertise and make money.  For the Audience, it's a great platform to stay updated on what your favorite celebrities are up to.


Snapchat is a great and fast way for the younger audience to stay informed on what is going on in our world.  News channels like NBC have a show on Snapchat where they share the news of what's going on in the world we live in.


Facebook is used to keep everyone in my sorority updated and informed on what is going on in our chapter.  This is a platform that is essential for my everyday life due to events and important dates that come up every day.  


MSG is where I follow the Rangers (Professional Hockey Team), this is a great way to follow along with hockey updates while being on the go.  While being a college student having an app on your phone that informs you of scores and news is extremely helpful due to the minimum downtime you will have.

Final Post Launch

How large an online footprint do you have?  I have a decent size following, I have a fitness account therefore I believe that is where I hav...