Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Final Post Launch

  • How large an online footprint do you have? 

I have a decent size following, I have a fitness account therefore I believe that is where I have a footprint.

  • Which social media sites do you use? What have you put on them? 

I use Instagram, Snapchat, Vsco, TikTok, and Facebook.  I use them to stay connected to past friends that I have moved away from and also to share my life and my successes. I have used my social media as a positive pace to try and motivate people, especially through my fitness account.

  •  What private information have you voluntarily given out, such as your phone number and e-mail address? To what sites and why?

I have given out my phone number and email to my social media platforms and also online stores for coupons and emails. I gave it out because I wasn't thinking about the risk that could have happened while giving out my information.

  • Consider the sorts of questions posed by The Atlantic article: Does social media make people lonely? Depressed?

Social media makes people lonely and or depressed because it is a constant toxic place.  People constantly compare themselves to people they follow or celebrities, It could be body image or anything of that matter. It can also be lonely because someone can see who is hanging out together and they can not be invited.

  • Do you think your relationship with technology is healthy?

Yes and No, sometimes it can be but other times I find myself comparing myself to other people. I think it's all about balance (not being on it all the time) and also how your mental health is because if it's not good then it will just be a toxic place to be on.

Living in the Age of AI

  • What are the positive aspects of more and more complex artificial intelligence and machine learning?

AI can become smarter over time, thus increasing a business' efficiency. AI will also significantly reduce the probability of human error and study historical data to cut costs. Facial recognition, pattern identification, and digital content analysis will be huge.

  • What about privacy, pros, and cons?

The privacy-preserving technologies specifically for AI are in their early stages and it will be difficult to preserve privacy in the age of AI.  AI methods are being used to identify people who wish to remain anonymous, this is a con because it invades people's privacy.  This can be a pro because it increases how advanced our technology is becoming, this can help us in wars or different problems with other counties.


  • What about national security?

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) stated that AI is “world-altering,” predicting that AI technologies “will be a source of enormous power for the companies and countries that harness them.

  • What about online security and identity theft?                                           

This online security makes it easier for attackers to quickly spot openings, for example, networks without protection.  AI can help countries to identify potential threats, share information easily, and protect mechanisms from them, this will also help protect against identity theft.

EOTO, Presentations

media-consolidation-1 – Saving Country Music

 While listening to each presentation in class today, Media Consolidation stood out to me the most.  Media Consolidation is the concentration of ownership of our news sources into the hands of fewer and fewer corporations.  With that being said, this leads to less local news gathering, less news staffing, and fewer interactions with local communities.  Media Consolidation is bad due to the fact that it is one news source covering everything.  This will lead to only the left side news or only the right side news, the news will also not be 100 percent accurate.  Having this will make news outlets only pay out what will make them money therefore not everything going on in the world will have to be shown.  There are only six news companies that run all of the news outlets that are provided to us.  Media Consolidation means less local news and more of a right-wing slant.  This will affect people from making their own personal views because their opinion will be made for them. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Diffusion of Innovations

One of the main reasons that the theory of Diffusion of innovations 
caught on and spread was because Everett Rogers who was a professor of communication studies talked highly about the theory in his novel, Diffusion of Innovations. Also, the theory of diffusion of innovations has been used for popular topics like medicine and marketing. Motivation and ability were the two driving forces for early adopters of innovation. Many people will change their abilities so they can be able to adapt to the innovation and these people also use motivation by seeing how much value the innovation holds to them. Rogers's theory on diffusion of innovation was so popular because it is the most cited for research. The difference between early adopters and late adopters is centralized around the idea of social status, wealth, and opinion on innovation. Early adopters have high social status, wealth, and have strong opinions, and are open to the idea of innovation. Late adopters are people with minimal social status, and low financial status, and are in a bind to figure out if they are on board with the idea of innovation. There is also another category which is known as the people who completely disregard the idea of adoption. They do not have a strong opinion, do not like change, and feel comfortable with keeping ties with tradition. In my opinion, in the 21st and for the rest of time technology has taken over society and will continue to keep growing. I like the idea because I feel that technology has helped issues that could not be solved without technology. However, with everything, there are some downsides. For example, I feel that media can sometimes make situations in the world much worse than they could have been without technology. With that being said, I still feel that no matter if you like the idea of having technology everywhere you go, a person must adapt because they will not survive within our tech-driven world. Some people do not agree with the innovations that technology has undergone during the past few decades. What I would say to them is, how could you not want to cure diseases that couldn't be cured without technology or why would you not want to use technology to your advantage and take your company or career to the next level. I do agree, that there are some negatives to innovation in technology however the benefits outweigh the cost. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

EOTO Terms and Concepts

 1. Beyond a simple definition, what are the implications? What might be good, what might be bad?

 * A Community that is no longer covered by daily or non-daily newspapers.


* Other news outlets are more time friendly

*Makes the news more simple


* Risk of being unreliable

* Social media can limit people from making their own decisions

2. How might it affect society as a whole?  

* Small communities that rely on local newspapers for a majority of their news will have to find a new way to get their news.

3. How might it affect different segments differently — rich/poor, old/young, male/female, gay/straight, majority/minority?

* This will be something that will be easier and faster for the younger and wealthy.

~ The young and rich will most likely like this.

* The older and poor will have to find another way to get their news.

~ The Old and Poor will most likely not like this.

4. How might it affect you? Your family and friends? Your generation?

* Today social media is the easiest way to get your news

* Without newspapers, it will save trees and also make news a lot more clear than it was in the past.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Privacy, Online and Off

1. How do these issues affect you? Your friends and family?

All of my and my friends and family's information is being watched, everything I have looked up, every place I have been to, to the amount of money my parents make and how much my house is.  This issue affects safety in good and bad ways in today's world.

2. What should the government be doing about these issues?

The government should work on ways to stop the number of hackers that are able to listen to phone calls and see text messages.  The government should monitor what is being communicated but, if it isn't for a reason, for example, terrorists and or criminals.  If you are just an everyday person then your privacy should be kept private.

3. What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy? 

~ Use security tools and browsers
~ Don't just accept things that come up on your technology without reading the terms and conditions
~ Do research on what is good reliable technology platforms
~ Have a fake email
~ Don't always use your real information
~ Don't always give out your information

Thursday, April 7, 2022

EOTO Presentations

Hulu: Stream TV Series & Films - Apps on Google Play


 Corporate Hulu

While listening to the presentations, I was fascinated when learning about Hulu.  Since Hulu is something I use on almost a day-to-day basis, learning about how it was created was interesting to hear.  Hulu is owned by the Walt Disney Company, NBC Universal, Providence Equity, and Fox Entertainment Group.  It was created by two people, Jason Kilar and Beth Comstock on March 22, 2007, in New York.  Although it was created in 2007, it was open to the public on March 12, 2008.  Today in April of 2022, there are over 3.3 million people who have a subscription to Hulu. With there being millions of people using this streaming platform, it is only available in The United States, and Japan.  Unlike other streaming platforms, Hulu releases new episodes 24 hours after the premiere on network tv.  Being a college student Hulu is a great subscription to have because it is affordable and also has multiple genres of tv shows and movies to watch. 

The Progressive Era

Anti War Movement timeline | Timetoast timelines

    These websites aren't being seen or heard about because it is showing everything the United States is doing wrong.  Having these websites being shown opens up what America needs to fix.  Having these websites censored from us will keep the people of America uneducated on what is going wrong in our country.  The government wasn't to brainwash the people into thinking "everything that is going on in America is what needs/should be happening".  These Anti-War websites bash the president and the government, this is something that the government tries to shut down but cannot because of the first amendment.  Therefore, instead of shutting down these websites, they don't promote them.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

EOTO Com Tech Timeline


    The invention of Bluetooth had happened back in 1994 by a Dutch engineer, Jaap Haartsen.  Bluetooth was invented in Ericsson and was named for a renowned Viking and king who united Denmark and Norway in the 10th century.  Jaap Haartsen had created Bluetooth by "connecting electronic gadgets to each other at short range without the use of cables, using a variety of low-power radio frequencies."  Bluetooth Technology.  Today, Bluetooth is used in over two billion devices over the world, this has been a huge advantage for not only companies to promote and sell their devices but also for people to stay connected with each other all over the world.  When Bluetooth was originally created it was to replace RS-232 telecommunication cables. In 1999, the first Bluetooth consumer had launched, it was a hands-free mobile headset.  This headset had won the "Best of Show Technology Award" at COMDEX.  In an interview with Jaap Haartsen he is asked, What improvements in Bluetooth would you like to address? Jaap Haartsen then began to go into how "Power consumption and contact awareness combination is an area that we are focusing on. We think issues like power consumption in relation to what happens in the background are not understood by many." Q&A Jaap Haartsen.  The way Bluetooth works is by picking up frequency data by using a radio and sending them across devices. One example is Iphones and Airpods. They have chipsets inside of them and send each other data by using a signal. Not all Bluetooth devices connect the same way. Bluetooth usually uses algorithms which are known as codecs. These codes are encoded and decoded which are then placed into the packaging to transmit them easier. To figure out what codec your device has, the codec initial will be able to be found on the side of the box. Some examples of these codecs are called: AAC, aptX, LDAC, and SBC. These codecs affect things like transfer rates, audio quality, and power usage. Out of all these codecs, SBC or also known as Subband Coding is forced to be in all Bluetooth devices. The future is bright for Bluetooth. More and more devices are coming out with Bluetooth and there is even a newer version of Bluetooth coming out. The new Bluetooth is called, "Bluetooth Low Energy," or also known as LE. The new Bluetooth helps increase the efficiency of newer headphones and also helps more devices including Bluetooth. By the year 2025, there will be more than six billion Bluetooth devices in the world and also seventy percent of Bluetooth products will be peripheral devices. Peripheral devices are items like smart lights, wearables, and earbuds. Bluetooth has made technology much more advanced and easier for people that aren't technologically acclimated to use devices. Bluetooth also helps people that have disabilities. For example, there are headphones that can be connected to televisions via Bluetooth and the whole idea behind them is for people that are hard of hearing to be able to hear the volume of the television clearer. 

Civil War, Reconstructions and the Birth of the Second Bill of Rights

 Civil War and Reconstruction Timeline-

  • 1857- Dred Scott

African-Americans are not citizens

  • 1860- Elected


  • 1861- Ft. Sumter

Civil War                  

  •  Law

Suspension of Habeas Corpus 

Silence Critics

  • 1863- Document

Eman Proc

  • 1865- Event

South Loses

  • Law

13th Amendment~ Ban Slavery

  • 1868- Law

14th Amendment~ Citizenship

  • 1870- 15th Amendment


^All the Reconstruction Amendments^

  • 1873- Slaughterhouse Cases

P.I. Closed Down

  • 1875- Civil Rights Act

Banned Discrimination in Public Accomdations~ private property that is open to the public


Owned by Government

Public Accomidations~

Grocery Store

Ammusement Park 


NOT Owned by Government

  • 1883- Civil Rights Cases

Struck Down Civil Rights Act

  • 1886- Santa Clara Rail Road

Corporate Personhood~A corporation is made up of people, therefore, it is treated as a person under the 14th amendment.

Substantive Due Process~ Mechanism by which the Court adds substance to the word liberty in order to give it new meanings.

  • 1896- Plessy V. Ferguson

Separate but Equal

Recon.           Jim Crow

Use the power of law to discriminate- Poll Tax

State Action Docetrine~ Without government involvement, no constitutional claim could be made because only the government can violate your constitutional rights; therefore the first amendment doesn’t reach private actors (not government).

3 clauses or freedoms of the 14th amendment

  1. Privalges or imunites

  2. Due Process

  3. Equal Protection

Eight Values of Free Expression

 Individual Self-Fulfillment 

    While reading the description and learning about these topics in class, I would have to say freedom of speech resonates most with me.  Growing up, my parent had taught me and my sibling how important using your voice is.  They had always said, "You are given the right to speak, use your right".  What my parents meant by this was, to never be quiet about what you believe in nor be quiet when you are in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself.  Being brought up in a family where using your voice was extremely important, I have been very grateful to know how important it is to use it in the world today.  I have also been taught how what you choose to say can and will have consequences for example, as a child saying a cuss word or talking back to my parents would lead to being punished, sent to my room, or grounded.  This was a learning lesson to me and my siblings showing us that as we grow up and use our freedom of speech you can say whatever you would like to say but something you say will have consequences that can lead to jail, riots, or physical fights.  I believe that in most cases, the environment you grow up in and what you are taught as a child will shape you into the person you are as an adult, and the learning lessons you face as a kid are to help you with the same lessons just bigger situations as an adult.  Just under two years ago a huge outbreak of protest had happened due to the death of George Floyd.  This protest had made the black lives matter movement reach many more people and had become extremely more dominant in today's world.  During the black lives matter protest, people had used the freedom of speech to express the pain they are going through and how America as a whole needs to be more excepting of them and the black lives matter movement.  Due to the First Amendment, people have the right to express their feelings but, this amendment doesn't protect you from having consequences from your actions.  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  Being in this class and learning more about the First Amendment is something that I never looked at as something I will need in my future career.  The First Amendment is something that will not be in just my career but also my life and it is an honor to be able to know the First Amendment and also have the opportunity to be able to have the freedom of speech.  A lot of countries don't have the right to stand up and speak about what they believe in or just have a voice and I feel that a lot of people who have the right take advantage of it and don't fully understand their rights and how important it is to be able to have a voice. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/

Final Post Launch

How large an online footprint do you have?  I have a decent size following, I have a fitness account therefore I believe that is where I hav...